hu*n 与hu*n race区别?
hu*n 是人类的意思,而hu*n race则是人类*的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出:
Since there are hu*ns on earth, according God*#39;s p*pose, there are *ny hu*n race spread around the world. 自从地球上有人类,按照上帝的旨意,*有许多人类*分布在世界各地。
hu*n race造句?
1.The hu*n race has enough weapons to annihilate itself.人类有足够的武器灭绝自己。
2.Can the hu*n race carry on expanding and growing the same way that it is now?人类能继续像目前这样扩张胡增长下去吗?
3.This nameless person pushed the hu*n race over a historic threshold, for it was in that year that *nkind *ecame, for the first time in its history, a predominantly **an species.这个无名的人把人类推向了一个历史*的门槛,因为正是在那一年,人类首次成为主要居住在城市的物种。
hu*n race什么品牌?
*嘻哈*、时尚达人 Pharrell Williams创办的护肤品牌,名为Hu*nrace,正式进军美容行业。Hu*nrace 作为一家专注于环保胡社会影响的护肤品*,产品以纯素、零残*为特点。